Present: Phil Crutchfield, Diana Bolton, Karissa & Elijah Canfield, Cheryl VanVliet, Hal Hultman, Thad Bogert, Mark Blondy, Tim Root, guest Chiara Mattieson, and Theresa Furget.
Elijah called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM.
ii.Karissa talked about February having random acts of kindness to the Police, fire department, non-profit groups, senior facilities, group homes etc. She also discusses having a chili cook off. iii.St. Patrick’s Day event-such as a shamrock hunt. iv.Mark talked about a bowling fundraiser. He has some old coffee urns (about 20) that could be used as targets for throwing balls (softballs etc.) at them. He also has a cotton candy machine and the spin art spinner that can make tie-dye tee shirts.
ii.Need to start collecting items sooner. iii.Allocate club money to purchase items that have not been donated. iv.Solicit more monetary donations. v.More flyers need to be distributed. vi.More collection areas are needed. vii.Need to recheck the Amazon Wish List as products change continuously and delivery dates change with vendors. viii.Space is an issue and more tables are needed. This brought up the discussion of where to hold the packing party in 2025. Need a gym, cafeteria type location at an elementary school or even a church (St. Joe’s). The Roper Barn was brought up. Thad will contact The Roper Barn to see if this is possible. He knows that The Roper Barn will need to pull a special permit to have the packing party there. Also, more setup time is needed to set up and organize items prior to having the public come in and start packing.
ii.Participation Certificates sent: Maureen sent them out to the kids. iii.Facebook Group Creation: Thad reported this has been done. iv.Implement Refundable Deposit: Elijah reported that he has individuals sign up and then they do not show up. He wants to implement a $20 deposit for each date that would be refundable when they show up. Venmo would allow the refund to go directly back to the individual and money left in the account (individuals that did not show up) could be directly deposited into the club’s general account at the end of the season. Elijah will investigate setting up the account for YEM. This also brought up the discussion about increasing foot traffic for the YEM. Discussion was:
AuthorMaureen Posler Archives
January 2025
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