Kensington Valley Civitan Club Business Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2024 Present: Cheryl VanVliet, Hal Hultman, Vivian VanVliet, Elijah Canfield, Karissa Canfield, Thad Bogert, Kris Krzyzanski, Phil Crutchfield, Maureen Posler Meeting called to order: 6:30 PM by Thad Bogert. Minutes: Minutes of Last Meeting: Maureen passed out copies of the August meeting minutes. There were no corrections. Kris Krzyzanski made a motion to approve, and Vivian VanVliet seconded the motion. All agreed and minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report: Thad reviewed a summary Diana provided to the budget. There were no questions. Maureen made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Hal seconded and the treasure’s report was approved. Correspondence: No correspondence to review. Project Updates:
AuthorMaureen Posler Archives
January 2025
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